Her Campus

Oh no! This is an old version of my portfolio. Click here to navigate to my new website.

In addition to serving as editor-in-chief, I was a staff writer for Her Campus TCNJ. Below are samples of my writing.

1. “Kirsten Haglund: A Pageant Queen Among Us”

“You don’t have to be thin to be worth something,” says the former Miss America. From the glitz and glamour of the pageant world emerged a voice of reason, one that said, “I’m not perfect. I have flaws and I am still successful.”

When Kirsten Haglund won the title in 2008, along with her crown came a metaphorical megaphone. From that day forward, she devoted her life to raising awareness about eating disorders. It’s an issue that hits close to home, as Kirsten herself struggled with anorexia from the age of 12 to 15.

2. “Esther Tetruashvily: A Fulbright Among Us”

Few collegiettes speak fluent Russian, intern in Moscow and return to their native country as a Fulbright Scholar. Then again, Esther Tetruashvily is no ordinary college student.

3. “Procrastination Station”

It is officially the second month of classes and midterms are just around the corner – what better time to procrastinate flex your imagination? Close the books, put that calculator away and take a break for a few minutes of blissful nonsense here at Procrastination Station!

4. “The TCNJ Real Estate Game: Housing for Dummies”

It’s February. Valentine’s Day has come and gone with no love lost, the weather is vacillating between outrageously cold and bizarrely warm, and midterms are the only obstacle standing between you and glorious Spring Break. Well, except for one little thing: room selection.

5. “It’s That Time of the Month: The Vagina Monologues are Here”

Vagina. Every woman has one, but I’m betting more than a few of you were uncomfortable as you read that word. So you’ll have to read it again: vagina.

6. “Dear Housing List Rejects”

An Open Letter to the Housing List Rejects*

Dearest wayfaring collegiette,

Our condolences are with you as you mourn the loss of childlike belief and trust in all that is good. Gone forever is the mistaken assumption that TCNJ actually cares about where you lay your pretty little head. In its place is a cynical view of the world, not through rose-tinted glasses, but dark, clouded and cracked ones, the kind only found on the bespectacled target of a fifth-grade dodgeball game.

7. “Crowning the Campus: Launch Photos

Her Campus TCNJ arrived with a flash yesterday – a camera flash to be specific. Special thanks to those who stopped by our STUD table and agreed to be crowned, photographed and elevated to celebrity status below. Keep your eye out for us next week!

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